Friday, 24 January 2014

I feel so fluffy

this fluffy thing-

Jesli ktos widzial dzis owce na dwoch nogach, to tak, to bylam ja.  Dostalam ten puszek jakis czas temu z formy i kiedy to zamawialam nie przemyslalam do konca jak ja to cos pokaze na blogu...ale kiedy to zobaczylam musialam to miec. Teraz kiedy nie bylo mie tu juz okolo tygodnia- chorowalam. Po prostu nie mialam ani sily ani ochoty na blogowanie, tak na prawde nie mialam sily nawet po to aby podniesc sie z lozka. Teraz jest juz ze mna lepiej, chociaz stanie na -15  przed aparatem tez nie jest zbyt przyjemne, ale czego nie robi sie dla bloga, nieprawdaz? Szczerze, nie moge sie doczekac kiedy przyjdzie wiosna, robienie zdjec na dworze bedzie czysta przyjemnoscia! Moge przyznac jedna rzecz, zdjecia na tle sniegu  wygladaja magicznie.

If someone saw today the sheep walking on two legs, then yes, it was me. I  got this fluffy thing  a while ago from, but when I ordered it I wasn't thinking about how I could share it on my blog...but when I first saw it I just had to get it.  Now, I didn't post anything since last week and that's because I was sick. I just had no strenght or i didn't feel "in the blog mood", actually  I had no strength even just to get out of bed. I feel better now, although I still don't like to stand in front of the camera when it's -15 outside, but what would I not do for the blog and you guys. Honestly, I can not wait for when spring arrives, taking pictures outdoors will be pure pleasure! I admit one thing, pictures on the background of the snow  look magically.

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