Postanowilam, ze przyszla pora opowiedziec cos o moich wlosach/ ich pielegnacji. Chociaz takie tematy sa mi praktycznie obce podzielilam sie z wami moja mala wiedza. Wydaje mi sie, ze wlosy szczegolnie dla dziewczyn sa bardzo wazne, chcemy aby wygladaly na zdrowe i mocne podaczas kiedy je farbujemy , prostujemy, krecimy i suszymy a potem dziwimy sie, ze wygladaja jak siano. Ja teraz staram sie jak najbardziej odzywiac moje wlosy aby rosy silne i zdrowe. Poczekam do wakacji i wtedy zetne jeszcze koncowki. Teraz rosna juz zdrowe i moge sie pochwalic, iz sa w coraz lepszym stanie.
I decided that this is the time to tell you something about my hair / care of them. Although such topics are practically alien to me but I decided to share with you my little knowledge. It seems to me that the hair especially for girls are very important, we want they to look healthy and strong, during when we dyeing, straighten, curling and dry it and then we wonder out why do they look like hay. as much as possible to nourish my hair dew strong and healthy. I'll wait for the summer holidays and then I'll cut just the tips of my hair. Now they are growing healthy and I can already be proud, because they are in better condition.
Loreal Paris Elvital anti-breakage balsam and repairing shampoo- Tak jak mowilam, nie ja wybieram szampony czy odzywki tylko myje tym co akurat jest pod prysznicem. Te szampony akurat przypadly mi do gustu, a raczej moim wlosa. Sa na prawde miekkie i zdrowsze od kad zaczelam uzywac tych produktow. Oczywiscie moge powiedziec, ze nie ma jakis wielkich postepow ale robie male kroczki w dobrym kierunku.
Loreal Paris Elvital anti-breakage balsam and repairing shampoo -Like I said, I don't choose shampoos or conditioner I just wash my hair with what is in the shower. I really like these shampoos , or rather my hair likes it.They are softer and healthier since I started to use the these products. Of course I can say that there is no large nodules, but it's just some steps on the right direction.
Maseczka do wlosow- -e- elida hair innovation centre (morroccan argan oil)- To moj pierwszy raz kiedy mam doczynienia z jakakolwiek maseczka do wlosow ( az troche wstyd sie przyznac haha) ale po prostu nigdy nie zwracalam uwagi na zadne takie maseczki bo wydawalo mi sie, ze odzywka w zupelnosci wystarczy. Teraz kiedy uzywam jej co 3 dni moje wlosy wygladaja na prawde niesamowicie. Polecam wam zainwestowac w jakas dobra maseczke do wlosow!
Mask for hair- -e- elida hair innovation centre (morroccan argan oil)- This is my first time when I'm dealing with any mask for hair (shame on me haha) but I just never paid attention to none such masks because it seemed to me that conditioner is enough. Now when I use it every 3 days my hair they looks amazing. I would recommend you to invest in some sort of a good mask for hair!
Olejek do wlosow- -e- elida hair innovation centre Define styling ( moroccan argan oil)- Jesli tak jak ja masz problem z puszacymi sie i suchamymi wlosami to zapoznaj sie z moich przyjacielem- olejkiem do wlosow. Nakladam go zaraz po umyciu na koncowki moich wlosow a takze odrobinke na cala dlugosc (tylko odrobinke bo inaczej wlosy bede tluste.) Moje wlosy juz sie tak nie puszcza i sa o wiele zdrowsze. Jedwab do wlosow tez jest swietny dla suchych/ puszacych sie wlosow!
Argan oil - -e- elida hair innovation centre Define styling ( moroccan argan oil)- If like me you have a problem with frizzy and dry hair then you should meet my friend- argon oil. I apply it after washing my hair on the tips and also a little bit on the whole length (only a little bit because otherwise you will end up with really oily hair.) My hair isn't so frizzy or dry already and a lot healthier. Slik for hair is also very great for dry and frizzy hair!
A ty masz jakies sprawdzone sposoby na zdrowe i ladne wlosy?
What about you, do you have any tips for healthy and pretty hair?
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