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hei kochani! Mialam w planach napisac do was w srodku tygodnia, ale z takiego planowania nic nie wyszlo. W wtorek i srode lezalam chora w domu i po prostu bylo mi nie dobrze plus goraczka. W czwartek nie bylam jeszcze do konca w formie, ale w domu na prawde dostawalam glupawki od tego lezenia dlatego wolam isc do szkoly. Dwie pierwsze godziny gralismy w hockeya na lyzwach. Osoby ktore chodz z ras byly ze mna na lyzwach wiedza jak sobie z nimi radze, a raczej nie radze. O dziwo nie bylo tak zle, a wywaliam sie tylko raz ( tak tak, mozecie bic brawa.) Myslalam, ze takiem tam dwa dni szkoly, duzo nauki nie bedzie okazalo sie wrecz przeciwnie. Moj nauczyciel zapowiedzial na sprawdzian dzien wczesniej dajac nam kartke z 62 pytaniami na ktore musimy znac odpowiedz ( a i nazwal to malym sprawdzianem.) Po powrocie ze szkoly spedzilam reszte dnia w ksiazkach az do godziny 23, gdyby nie kawa juz dawno bym padla, poniewaz poprzedniej nocy spalam zaledwie 4 godziny. No, ale coz dalam rade a dzis sprawdzian poszedl moze nie idealnie, ale i nie tak zle. Przynajmniej mam taka nadzieje.
Teraz rozpoczely mi sie ferie zimowe, niestety trwaja one tydzien. Jak dla mnie lepszy tydzien, niz nic bo na prawde ostatnio nie spalam za wiele i nawet piszac ten post oczy same mi sie zamykaja. Postaram sie ( i tu naciskam na slowo postaram) pisac czesciej posty. Ciuchow mi przybywa a duzo z nich jeszcze nie mialam kiedy pokazac na blogu. Dlatego teraz w czasie ferie postaram sie pisac moze i codziennie.
hei everyone ! I had plans to write a post in the middle of the week , but it didn't work out . On Tuesday and Wednesday I was lying ill in my bed and I just felt sick plus I got a fever (no, it wasn't a Bieber fever this time) . On Thursday, I didn't felt so good either, but lying in my bed all day long drives my crazy, so I decided to go to school . The first two hours we played ice-hockey on skates ( ice hockey on skates- what a surprise) . Those who saw me skating, know very clearly how I deal with skating, or rather how I can't deal with it . Strangely it was not so bad , and I only dumbed once (yes yes, I'm waiting for applause. ) I thought that this is just like a easy two school days , and that it just going to be short and like I said easy buuut, it turned out just the opposite . My teacher announced a test day before giving us a card with 62 questions, which we had to know the answers ( and even he called it a very easy and small test . ) After I came back from school I spent the rest of the day in the books until it was like 23:00 , if not coffee I would be dead right now , because the previous night I slept only four hours . Well, I did it and todays test maybe didn't went perfectly , but not so bad either. At least I hope so .
Now I have started winter holidays , unfortunately, it's just one week . As for me, better a week , than nothing because the truth is that I didn't had a lot of sleep in past couple days and even now while writing this post my eyes just keeps closing themselves . I'll try (and here I press on the word try ) to posts more often. A lot of clothes arrived to me and I hadn't yet showed them on blog. So now during the holidays I will try to write maybe...every day .
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